You will need:
- Hard wearing fabric - enough to cut two pieces of whatever size you decide to make your cushion. In my case this was 25ins by 19ins. I found this size was just right for two small cats to snuggle up on.
- Something that you can draw round to get your pattern. I used a wicker laundry hamper, but you could go freestyle!
- Coordinating fabric for lettering - optional
- Coordinating thread
- Hollow fibre stuffing or whatever your preferred stuffing is
- Heavy duty applique
- Sewing machine -
3. Taking care to lay the letters back to front (so they will be the correct way round when you cut them out) trace the letters on to the cooled applique. Cut the letters out with some nice sharp scissor to make sure you don't get any fraying.
5. Following the directions on your applique paper packaging, iron the letters on to your cushion fabric.
6. Ok so on to the cushion itself: Lay the fabric right sides together and stitch leaving about a 1/4in seam allowance. You should leave a gap at one end big enough to turn the cushion the right way and also add the stuffing. I left a gap of about 5ins. Turn the cushion to the right sides.
8.This next bit took me ages until I found a suitable object to help me. You need to stuff the outer part of the cushion. I stuffed mine quite full to give it a good shape. A broom handle or something similar will help you push the stuffing to the farthest edge.
9.Once you've stuffed the cushion you just need to finish of the ends. I hand stitched this bit as it was easier than machining.
10.Get your pet to try it out....Cat-isfaction!
I hope you found this tutorial useful. Please remember that I designed this using my own creativity and put time and effort into writing this tutorial. I do not consent to any of my work being used for your own financial gain. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss it further.
I hope you found this tutorial useful. Please remember that I designed this using my own creativity and put time and effort into writing this tutorial. I do not consent to any of my work being used for your own financial gain. Please feel free to contact me if you wish to discuss it further.
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