Last week I decided that L might like to try some plums so I bought a MASSIVE punnet from the shop. She loves grapes, eats nectarines whole so I kind of thought that plums would be a good idea. Anyhow, she didn't like them. In fact, every time I chopped one up for her,
she would put it in her mouth and instantly spit it out and hand it back to me "no thanks mum, you can keep that". I love plums but having been poorly for a few days I was stuck with loads of them and no desire to eat them.
So we had a cottage pie (my favourite comfort food) and finished with the freshly baked cobbler. It was enjoyed by M & L with some yummy vanilla ice cream. I found it a bit too sweet for my liking. I think next time I make it, I'll only add a small sprinkling of sugar to the plums and a smidge less sugar to the topping mixture.
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